Author name: twincities

MinnPost: How COVID-19 Could Exacerbate Inequalities in Minnesota’s Workforce

Click Here for Full Story By Walker Ornstein When Olive Angle Wilson was hired in March as an assistant pre-kindergarten teacher in North Minneapolis, the job was a great fit. Wilson, 19, said it was rewarding to help children during a formative time in their life. Wilson had struggled to find stable work or decide

MinnPost: How COVID-19 Could Exacerbate Inequalities in Minnesota’s Workforce Read More »

Juneteenth- TCR Proudly Celebrates Juneteenth as a Paid Holiday

Celebrate Freedom! In honor of this celebration, TCR offices and programs will be closed. From now on, Twin Cities R!SE is establishing Juneteenth as a paid holiday for staff. Juneteenth is the oldest nationally celebrated commemoration of the ending of slavery in the United States. From its Galveston, Texas origin in 1865, the observance of

Juneteenth- TCR Proudly Celebrates Juneteenth as a Paid Holiday Read More »

Twin Cities R!SE Welcomes Donzel Leggett as Board Chair

Supporter Spotlight- Donzel Leggett Donzel A. Leggett, Vice President, Global Manufacturing Excellence, Global Platforms and ASLA Supply Chain with General Mills, Inc., will serve as Twin Cities R!SE’s newest Board Chair. He has been a board member and supporter of Twin Cities R!SE since 2016. How did you come to be a supporter and board member of Twin Cities R!SE?  “Steve Rothschild, former General Mills

Twin Cities R!SE Welcomes Donzel Leggett as Board Chair Read More »

Minnesota Multi-Housing Association Partnership with Twin Cites R!SE by Aubrey Albrecht

In January 2019, MHA’s Careers Task Force began discussing the potential of partnering with an organization called Twin Cities R!SE (TC R!SE). The mission of TC R!SE is centered around personal empowerment leading to meaningful employment opportunities. The organization recognizes that a good job is a pathway out of poverty, but significant barriers exist, such

Minnesota Multi-Housing Association Partnership with Twin Cites R!SE by Aubrey Albrecht Read More »

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Twin Cities R!SE