Twin Cities R!SE began in 1993 – our founder, Steve Rothschild, former executive Vice President at General Mills, was motivated to find a solution to the poverty experienced by many people of color in the Twin Cities. Using a market-driven approach, he sought to assist individuals in finding stable and well-paying employment.
Twin Cities R!SE Founded
Twin Cities R!SE (Responsible, Independent, Skilled, Employed) is founded by Steve Rothschild, a former General Mills Executive Vice President, in Minneapolis. TCR is established as a 501c3 with a goal of reducing poverty through job training.
TCR Programming Begins
19 participants join the pilot launch. TCR was created to serve those with barriers to employment, and those underserved by other workforce programs. The original mission was to provide employers with skilled workers, primarily men of color.
Pay for Performance Funding Established
Twin Cities R!SE becomes the first – and only – nonprofit to be paid by the state based on their outcomes. TCR continues to be paid only when a participant is placed into a job earning $20,000/year or more with health benefits. Another payment is earned when that individual is still working 12 months from the date of hire. Pay for performance (PFP) funding demonstrates our standard of accountability and transparency.
Personal Empowerment Program Launched
Twin Cities R!SE begins providing Personal Empowerment training as a required part of the work skills training program. Today, Personal Empowerment is considered the key to TCR’s success, and everyone from participants to staff takes it and knows that they are “Lovable, Important, and Valuable!”
Opening of St. Paul Office
TCR expands its services and adds an office in St. Paul. Today, we continue to have offices in both Minneapolis and St. Paul to best serve the community.
Empowerment Institute Launched
The Empowerment Institute, a division within Twin Cities R!SE that conducts workshops, training sessions, and licenses our signature Personal Empowerment (emotional intelligence and cognitive restructuring) curriculum to employers, schools, universities, and other nonprofits, is established. Some early clients included Jeremiah Program, Saint Paul Public Schools (SPPS) , and the University of Dubuque.
Mike Bingham becomes CEO
Awali Place Launched at 1011 West Broadway in North Minneapolis
Awali was created to provide a transition program for men who were not ready to engage in the full Twin Cities R!SE program. The goal was to prepare individuals to enter the full TCR core program, gain entry into another training program, or find transitional employment. Awali participants were male and had recently been released from incarceration, were not required to have a high school diploma or a GED, and typically did not have stable housing. Awali was spun off and became Ujamaa PLACE.
Project Re-Entry Launched
This program served men who had been incarcerated previously, funded by a yearlong federal grant, in order to improve their long-term employment success and reduce recidivism.
Art Berman Becomes CEO
Expansion of Internship Program
The Internship Program at TCR! is an opportunity for participants to gain work experience at local organizations and companies. At no cost to the company, participants work up to 10 hours a week, which boosts their resumes and helps the company at the same time!
Reentry Connect Launched
Reentry Connect, funded by the U.S. Department of Labor, was designed to improve the longterm educational and workforce success of adults, particularly women, who had previously been incarcerated. Participants could enroll up to 90 days prior to or 180 days following their release from federal and state prisons, county correctional facilities and local halfway houses. It ceased operations in 2016 due to a lack of continued funding.
Tom Streitz becomes President and CEO
TCR Rebranded
Twin Cities R!SE name is adjusted, logo is updated, and brand colors are changed.
Minneapolis Office Relocates
from Washington Avenue in the North Loop, to 1301 Bryant Avenue in North Minneapolis.
Metro Transit Program Started
Twin Cities R!SE partners with Metro Transit in recruiting and training bus mechanics and light rail technicians to fill their labor shortage. This multi-phase program, which includes a 2-year Associates Degree from Hennepin Technical College, has resulted to date in 11 low-income individuals becoming trained and hired by Metro Transit as bus mechanics with a starting salary over $60,000 per year with great benefits. Additional cohorts will finish in the summers of 2019 and 2020 with an additional 20 Metro Transit job placements expected.
St. Paul Office Relocates
The St. Paul office relocates from 460 Lexington Avenue to 1600 University Avenue in the Midway neighborhood.
Empowerment Campaign Launches
This first ever capacity building initiative for Twin Cities R!SE, focused on raising funds to build or buy a building, double our number of annual participants, and increase scholarship funds available for paid internships, begins. The campaign has raised over $6,500,000 to date.
Career Pathways
For the first time, private companies partner with TCR and pay for recruitment, training, and placement. Career Pathway cohorts begin in the areas of Customer Service & Call Center and Facilities & Maintenance.
Founder Retires
TCR founder, Steve Rothschild, who served as the organization’s CEO for 10 years and Chair of the Board for the next 15 years, becomes Chair Emeritus.
Mission Updated
TCR updates its mission to “Transforming lives through Personal Empowerment, career training, and meaningful employment.”
New CEO Starts
Emma Corrie joins TCR as the first woman of color to lead the organization.
New Career Pathway
In partnership with Ramsey County and Saint Paul College, TCR has now established a Diesel Technician career pathway.
Largest Gift in TCR History
Philanthropist Mackenzie Scott gifts Twin Cities R!SE with the biggest gift in the organizations 30+ year history – $3 Million Dollars!
TCR Empowerment Institute Expands Offerings
TCR’s Empowerment Institute introduces an expanded suite of Emotional Intelligence courses, unlocking a proven pathway to an empowered, future-ready workforce.
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