Autumn Amadou-Blegen Joins the TCR Board of Directors

We are honored to have Autumn Amadou-Blegen join the Board of Directors at Twin Cities R!SE. Autumn has been involved with Twin Cities R!SE since 2011 as an employer partner, while at Northern Brewer. She has also been an active member of the TCR Employer Advisor Committee in recent years.

“ I found myself as a single working mother in situational poverty at one point, prior to finding my own path, so the strength of TCR participants to realize their full potential is something that resonates deeply for me.”

While currently serving as the HR Director at Summit Brewing Company, Autumn has been working at the senior HR level for nearly a decade. Her education background includes a Master’s degree in Human Resources Management from Concordia University, as well as  SPHR and SHRM-SCP certifications. Autumn believes in TCR because of the experiences she has had watching participants blossom personally and professionally through Personal Empowerment to become contributors as employees.

“I am looking forward to contributing towards the positive outcomes already made possible by the efforts of this amazing organization. The timeliness of my involvement is important as well, as I am hoping to share the story of TCR and its participants with others, with the goal to increase awareness of, participation in, and support of TCR in our community at a time when racial disparities in employment are such a glaring issue in our communities of color.”

Twin Cities R!SE